Khorasan Razavi Province, having Holy Shrine of Imam Reza, being neighbor with CIS countries and rich in agricultural, industrial & mineral products enjoys a privileged position in non-oil goods export and goods transit.
Khorasan Razavi Province has 5 active customs, Mashhad, Sarakhs, Dogharoun, Lotfabad & Bajgiran, and 2 active border markets.
Mashhad Customs area of activity: Mashhad customs, airport customs, railway customs, load terminal customs, postage customs, export office of customs of Toos industrial zone, business area 2 based in the airport, dedicated warehouses, customs offices based all over the province, Neyshabour export office of customs and Gonabad export office.
Sarakhs Customs is located 15 km away from Sarakhs special economic zone, and its area of activity includes railway and Sarakhs special economic zone.
Dogharoun Customs is located 18 km away from the border city of Taybad, next to Dogharoun special economic zone and huge border market of Dogharoun.
Lotfabad Customs, 18 hectors, is located 25 km away from Dargaz, next to Turkmenistan Artiq Customs.
Bajgiran Customs is located 84 km away from Ghuchan in the zero-point border and it is 38 km away from Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan. One of this customs feature is Bajgiran border market.
Export goods
In recent 9 months of the year 1400, export goods mainly included metal sections, building materials, saffron, fruits and vegetables, floor covering, plastic products and food stuff.
Export goods main destinations
During these 9 months to 76 countries goods were exported; some of major destinations for exported goods were Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iraq and Pakistan.
Imported goods
In 9 months of the year 1400 main imported goods included electronic equipment, non-processed cotton, raw materials and production units’ machinery.
Imported goods main sources
During recent 9 months United Arab Emirates, Oman, China and India were the most important sources for imported goods. Khorasan Razavi Province regarding import is in 15th or 16th place and regarding export is in the 5th or 6th place in the country.
539 km common border with Turkmenistan and 302 km common border with Afghanistan, in addition to connection with Middle Asia market with 100 million population enable Khorasan Razavi to play a pivotal role in the country transportation and transit. Just this year in 9 months 1.585 million transit goods passed through the province customs which, in comparison with the previous year, it had 127% increase.
Khorasan Razavi Customs
- Mashhad Customs
- Sarakhs CustomsAt a distance of 15 km from Sarakhs Special Economic Zone
- Dogharun CustomsAt a distance of 18 km from the border city of Taybad
- Lotfabad CustomsAt a distance of 25 km from Dargaz city
- Customs BajgiranAt a distance of 84 km from Quchan city